In a kingdom, in a country, in a world a long time ago, there was (naturally) a king.
King Mathias was a good man and a fair ruler. His subjects were devoted to him and he was equally devoted to his subjects.
When the time came for the young King to marry he had his choice from princesses all over the world. He chose Helen to be his bride.
Helen was a lovely girl from a neighboring province. She came from “good stock”. In the world of kings and queens, the right breeding was essential. It was expected that there would be heirs to the throne to carry on the family name.
After the royal wedding, the King and Queen waited patiently for signs of an impending birth. But Helen’s waist remained slim, her cycle uninterrupted. As was the custom of the times, if a child was not produced within a year of marriage, the King was obligated to take on another wife who could bear him children.
With sadness and resignation, the King once more searched for a suitable bride. Princess No. 2 had no more luck than Queen Helen in becoming with child.
Seven years and seven brides later with no son and no daughter in the royal household, King Mathias was despondent. He got down on hands and knees and prayed to God for a miracle.
“God Almighty, it is nine long years and my wives are barren. Please grace Your humble servant with a child.”
His prayers reverberated throughout the kingdom. Every maid and mistress flung themselves to the ground and prayed with their Lordship. The farmers in the field, the courtiers in the castle all lay prostrate in prayer joining in their King’s lament.
God himself, could no longer ignore the pleadings of so many. He placed a seed in the womb of Queen Helen and nine months to the day, she bore a precious little baby girl. They named her Princess Miracelle, as she was indeed a miracle.
Princess Miracelle was pure joy. Her heart was as expansive as the sky. Her good nature was solid as the earth underfoot. The princess glowed with the brilliance of the sun that shone every day and everywhere in her presence.
Eighteen years later as she came in to adulthood, it was her time to wed. But the Princess was so special, her qualities so remarkable, that it was impossible to find a suitor brave enough to consent to be her husband.
King Mathias and Queen Helen called on all the princesses to gather round in prayer. All the King’s wives loved and cherished Miracelle as their own. With an abundance of souls praying for guidance surely a revelation would come.
And soon it did.
The last and littlest wedded princess of Mathias spoke out softly. “Your Highness, Miracelle herself should make a journey to find her soulmate. You can advise her to look beyond the castles and usual places. To go where God leads her.”
The King and Queen agreed. Arrangements were made for Miracelle’s journey and in a fortnight she was on her way.
Princess Miracelle was filled with God’s spark. She only needed to reach into her soul to forge a fire that burned with the Divine.
Before long a vision came to her. She was to head to the east and follow a long neglected road that led to a monastery. It was an ancient place made of rocks and sand. There were no windows, only walls. It was dark and unapproachable, but approach she did.
Miracelle directed her small entourage to stay behind. She took off on foot the remaining distance to the monastery door. The bell was to the right of the imposing entrance. She tugged at it firmly and waited.
A monk in brown robes opened the door and wordlessly showed her in. In an instant her brilliance lit up the darkness and there standing before her were two men. One very old. One quite young. The older man nodded to his companion and urged him forward.
At first glance the two were united as one.
After a brief courtship Miracelle and her beloved returned to the homeland. The young man asked the King and Queen for their daughter’s hand in marriage. With the princesses at their side they gave their blessing. News spread quickly throughout the kingdom and everyone came to join in celebration.
One blissful year passed when the husband of Miracelle fell ill. The Angel of Death came stealthily into the boudoir to bring the prince home. Miracelle stood face to face with the dark Angel and said,
”You cannot have my husband. It is not yet his time, I pray you leave him with me.”
The Angel was sympathetic to the good Princess and felt the sincerity in her prayer. He replied,
“I am sorry, truly I am. But the Lord has called him home and I must deliver this dear soul. Though I heard your prayer, I cannot grant it. Instead, share a prayer within my ability, and you shall have it.”
The princess thought carefully then said, “I pray for my father the King, my mother the Queen, and all the princesses to bear offspring.”
“Your prayer is answered.” said the Dark Angel.
Once again, the Angel of Death reached out to take the dying young man. This time Princess Miracelle clung to the ankle of her husband and declared, “I will go where he goes. I pray you take me too.”
The Dark Angel gave a heavy sigh. “My dear, I cannot grant your prayer to join your beloved in Heaven. Please make another prayer and that I promise I will grant for you.”
The brilliant princess thought long and hard with super-human intensity. Finally she spoke. “Honorable Angel, you are certain no matter how difficult my request, you will answer my prayer?”
The Dark Angel assured her – the promise would be honored.
She prayed. “Please God, I pray for a child.” The Angel of Death was defeated. He knew there could be no child for Miracelle without her husband alive and well once more. God showed His mercy. The Angel of Death left the castle and ailing prince was revived.
Thereafter, the kingdom was filled with cries of new royal babies being born, growing up healthy, and happily ever after.
By Susan Diamond
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