Prayables Week of Blessings March 25, 2017
The world has gone crazy. Off its rocker. Loony as a loon. Yet God has given you His most precious gift of peace. May you be blessed with bliss that is sane, humane and independent of circumstance. Accept your inner peace. Use your gifts. Thank God for His generosity.
Don’t try to deny the inevitable effects of aging. Accept that you are older. Rejoice, for you are wiser. Affirm your appearance – it suits you well. May you be blessed to live to 120 as if you are 20.
Depend on your rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember it didn’t work for the rabbit. May you be blessed to depend on God for good fortune. Luck will only take you so far, but faith will take you all the way.
The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now. Resist the urge to give in to instant gratification. When you do, you’ll finally understand; good things come to those who wait. May you be blessed with patience to receive God’s gifts in due time.
If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find slim pickings. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find friendship a plenty. May you be blessed to be a good friend and to find good friends who share your values, are of good character and love you for all that you stand for.
You have sacred moments. Falling in love. An answered prayer. Spending time with your family when everything goes right. But most of your time is spent doing ordinary things. You brush your teeth, fold the laundry and you drive to work. Awe-mazing! God is there for all of it. May you be blessed with a sense of time that is timeless. Make more moments meaningful.