Week Ending Friday, March 6, 2020
Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves.
Angeles Arrien
Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.
Alice Walker
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy
Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.
Erol Ozan
Truth is always a release and lies are a burden. Put your soul at ease, choose honesty.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wasting Time
If we all wasted money the way we waste time, we’d be bankrupt. Why not start growing in prosperity by making a commitment to using your time wisely. May God bless you with a sensible approach to time management that honors God and helps you reach your goals.
Faithful Uncertainty
It takes courage to live with uncertainty. To live faithfully knowing that whatever is to be, will ultimately be for the best. May God bless you, as you go through your difficult times.
Spoken Masterpiece
The art of conversation is to say the right thing to the right person, at the right time. It becomes a masterpiece when you have the wrong thing nagging at you to be said, but you give it no voice. May God bless you with discretion and good judgment when talking to others.
Facing Failure
What do you do in the face of failure? You can give up and convince yourself you’ll never succeed. Or, you can push through it and give your very best. Blessings of achievement are coming your way, keep at it.
Little Worry
The things you worry about are of little or no importance. May God bless you to worry less and release your stress.
Bold and Beauteous
Dear God, Give me the motivation to not only “get through” today but to “blow through” it with bold and beauteous living. Praise to You, who energizes and excites me as I live each day to the fullest.
Gossip. Gossip.
Gossip. Gossip. Leave me alone. Help me dear God, to close my mouth to repeating the tales of others and to block my ears from hearing destructive gossip. May my lips be pure, and my mind clear only to give You praise.
Content in Prayer
I am content sitting here with You, God. This is exactly where I need to be. Precisely where I want to be. I come to pray. I come to praise. I come in gratitude. Amen
Fears and Anxieties
I am tough because of my fears. I am resilient because of my anxieties. I am strong because of my sensitivities. I carry them with me. Compassionately. Respectfully. They teach me things and I listen to their wisdom. I am exactly who I need to be right now. Fears, anxieties and all.
[email protected]
God of Mercy
O God of mercy, I offer the core of my being, my open heart. I cast my gaze downward. Palms turned up in supplication, and generosity, and love. It is good to walk gently with the breath of mortality upon my cheek. It humanizes. O God of life and death, I walk in humility before all that is good and lively and loving and oh so temporary.
Karyn Kedar from “Amen: Seeking Presence With Prayer, Poetry, and Mindfulness Practice”
{stories, features, video}
Story: Other Side of Love
Video: Kids Teach How to Train Your Brain to be Kinder
Music Video: Less of Me, Glenn Campbell with Judy Collins
Feature: Grandma Builds Wheelchair Ramps from Legos and They Work
Feature: If You Hate Your Body and Think You Need to Fix It by Roni Davis
Music Video: Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay
{bible affirmations}
Ephesians 4:2
Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Be love.
Psalm 13:6
I will sing the Lord’s praise for God has been good to me.
Romans 9:25
I will love those whom I did not love before.
2 Timothy 4:17
Lord, stand at my side and give me strength.
Genesis 28:16
Surely God is in this place.