Week Ending Friday, December 17, 2021
The antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your own cleverness or in hard toil, but in God’s guidance.
Norman Vincent Peale
Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.
Denzel Washington
Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.
Oscar Wilde
Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.
Will Rogers
You must know for which harbor you are headed if you are to catch the right wind to take you there.
Cup Runneth Over
People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full miss the point. The glass is refillable. May God bless you with a cup that runneth over.
Wonder of Blessings
Put some music on. Get some fresh air. Call someone you love. Feel proud of how far you have come. Do something that makes you smile. Make someone else smile too. Let yourself wonder at all of your blessings.
Sometimes loneliness is God crying for you. May you be blessed to spend alone time with God, your always-there companion.
Prosperity Strategy
Invest in yourself, it pays the best dividends. May God bless you with a spiritual strategy that brings you prayerful prosperity.
Faith Unwavering
Some people walk around ticked off at God for giving them what they think they can’t handle. Not you. You are blessed with unwavering faith. You know God deserves your praise, not your disapproval. That’s why you can put a smile on your face no matter what life tosses your way.
Finish What You Started
Dear God. When You give me a job to do, remind me that it’s not just starting that’s important, but seeing it to completion is what matters. Bless me with the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. Praise to You, provider of labor.
Abundance Surrounds Me
Dear God. Thank you for the grace you bestow upon me, the self-sufficiency you gifted me, and the abundance I have surrounding me. amen
Woman’s Prayer
May you be wise like Deborah, with the vision of Miriam. May you be loyal like Ruth and be loved like Rachel. May your prayers be answered like Hannah, and may you receive God’s favor like Esther. May you always be a proud woman of God.
A New Me
Dear God, I have used and abused Your creation. I offer up to You this aching body for good health once more. I tread on Your Earth recklessly, consuming my sustenance in plastics, driving when I could be walking, and putting my convenience before stewardship. Forgive me. Renew my soul. Let this be a new day, a new way, a new me. Amen
Away from Failures
Dear God. Turn me away from failures that haunt me. May I not dwell in the valley of disappointment. May I not walk in the shadows of shame. Help me learn to celebrate the victories, proud of my accomplishments, yet humbled in undying gratitude to you, my Creator.
{bible affirmations}
Zechariah 4:6
Not by might nor by power, but by Spirit.
Psalm 4:8
I can lie down and sleep soundly because You, dear God, will keep me safe.
Psalm 46:10
I am still and I know God. Praised among the nations, present in nature.
Deuteronomy 28:2
You shall be showered with blessings when you listen to the voice of the Lord, your God.
Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: Breaking Out
Feature: So Many Accidents Seth Godin
Art Feature: They talk about angels, but what if the angels are within, and all we need to do is unfold our wings. storypeople.com
Music Video: Hold on to Me Lauren Daigle
Poetry: My Wish for You Ralph Waldo Emerson