Dear God, Nothing is impossible. I dare to dream big, set high goals, and have lofty ambitions. Give me the will to reach my aspirations. Share Your strength. Let determination rule me, and I will climb the ladder to success. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Show of Strength
I affirm I will let go. There are times when holding on is my show of strength. Not today. On this day, I start fresh. I give no more thought to what I once had, only what I now have. Thank You, God, for always giving me exactly what I need. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Source of Being
God, I declare your love and power. I am free from worry. I radiate Your Godliness. Praise to You, my Source of being, my Voice of reason. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Accomplish Great Things
My God, You teach me to be self-sufficient yet firm in my faith. If I am to find success, I must look for it. Thank You for providing me the wherewithal to accomplish great things by the grace of Your holy blessings. … [Read more...]
Prayer: God’s Presence
Dear God, I see You nestled among the clouds, waiting and willing to hear me, be with me, and guide me through this day. Praised are You, One who sees all. Thank You for Your ever-present Presence. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Strength is My Only Option
Dear God, You gave me this life because You know I am strong enough to live it. I am tested every day. I become immune to the difficulty and stand tall. Strength is my only option. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Praise Affirmation
Let the soul of everything alive bless Your name. May the spirit of all flesh glorify and lift up Your name. I praise Your name and declare: You are my God, I am Your creation. … [Read more...]
Bible: Isaiah 45:24
Isaiah 45:24 TheĀ Lord is the source of all my righteousness and strength. All who were angry with Him will come to Him and be ashamed. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Grace of God
The grace of God is working in my life right now. The grace of God is alive in every aspect of my being. The grace of God is assurance, it always works out. … [Read more...]
Bible: Exodus 3:5
Exodus 3:5 This place on which I stand is holy ground. … [Read more...]
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