If compassion is to be effective, it must be combined with humility. May God bless the largess of your compassionate heart as you carry on, humbly doing God's bidding. … [Read more...]
Blessing: of Dreams
No need to fret about a bad dream you had. Instead, pay attention to dreams that move you to become a better person. May God bless your days and nights with aspiration and inspiration. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Spend or Save?
Some people try to impress you with how much they spend. Other people love to brag about how much they save. Bless their hearts but keep yours firmly focused on the God-given riches you enjoy. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Name It
If you name it, you can tame it. What’s really bothering you? May God bless you to name it, pray on it, and get over it. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Write It
A thought belongs to you, a word belongs to others, and the words of a written thought are forever. May God bless you when you express yourself through writing. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Essentials for Success
Hard work, smarts, and seizing the right opportunity are essential for success. But recognizing that all these actions are merely vessels for the many blessings God throws your way. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Wait and Watch
It is God who calls the season, and it is God who sustains us in and throughout each season. May you be blessed with grace, trusting God to provide at the proper time. Wait and watch as God's new month reveals its daily miracles. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Put in the Work
Know what you want. Put in the work. And thank God for the blessing that will surely follow. … [Read more...]
Blessing: It Will Be
People will be people, and God will be God. Blessings will be blessings. Recognize a pattern? God blesses His people. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Overflow
Your cup is neither half empty nor half full. Drink to your heart's content – your cup is overflowing with God-given blessings. … [Read more...]