Week End Friday January 11, 2019
Do something today that the future will thank you for.
When they go high, you go low. –Michelle Obama
It ends here. It ends now. It ends with me.
Happiness looks great on you.
Be at war with your vices and at peace with your God-given virtues.
Smile at a stranger today.
Angel of Blessings
What if you knew you had an angel on your shoulders? Your angel would always be encouraging you, comforting you, keeping you safe. Your angel could talk you out of doing something stupid, and steer you away from trouble. God’s blessings is your angel. Take note. Take advantage. Take on the wings of God.
Challenge Yourself
Stop competing against other people. Start competing with yourself. May you be blessed with success when you set a realistic goal and set out to achieve it. Make an impact. Be powerful and productive. Meet your own challenge.
Easier to Believe
It’s easier to believe than it is to have faith. You can believe in something and sit back, basking in the security of your belief. But faith requires action. May you be blessed with an active faith, inspired to help others, and determined to right the wrongs of injustice.
In the Moment
I feel like I’m constantly worrying about the next part of my life without realizing that I’m right in the middle of what I used to look forward to. May you be blessed to love in the moment without worry and with appreciation for how far you’ve come.
Faith Reminders
Faith. It reminds you to be kind. It reminds you to be grateful. It reminds you there is something more important than yourself. May you be blessed by your faith.
Holy Hang-Ups
God, You know I have hang-ups. I get hung up on small details. I procrastinate. I change my mind. These quirks of mine are holding me back. Help me improve my habits. Bring healthy order to my life. Let me know the sensation of success. Praise to You, holy Maker of change, Master of all.
Yours This Day
Dear God, Thank you for this day. A day sure to be filled with ups and downs, joy and some sadness, moments of delightful gratitude. Your hand and heart is in everything I do. With praise and glory, I am yours this day, and the next, eternally.
I listen to the small still voice inside of me. It tells me to notice the moments of peace, to find my way to the holy, to be awed by God’s grace.
Live Like a Lion
God give me the courage to leap out of bed with lion-like determination to seize the day and make it mine.
Real Me
Lord, You know the prayers in my heart. You hear me when I weep silently. You remind me to celebrate the small victories. You see the real me I hide from others. You love me despite my flaws, and You teach me to use my strengths for good. Blessed am I, child of God.
{features, stories, video}
Story: The Broken Heart
Video: Churches Marathon to Stop Deportation
Story: So Many Questions
Feature: Morning Mantras
Feature: Epilogue: Life lessons from the people we call to lay someone to rest.
Music Video + Lyrics: Mercy by Nissim Black
{bible affirmations}
Joshua 1:9
I am strong. I am courageous. I am not frightened. I am not discouraged. God is with me wherever I go.
1 Samuel 16:7
People may look at my outward appearance, but the Lord looks at my heart.
Isaiah 40:5 + Choral Music Video
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed to us, and we will all see it together. For our Lord has spoken it.
Jeremiah 29:11
God has plans for me to prosper!
Isaiah 55:8
God’s thoughts are not my thoughts. God’s ways are not my ways. Still, at any time, any place, I am One with an awesome God.