Week End Friday January 18, 2019
When you walk like a king you give glory to your Almighty King.
Be your own numero uno fan.
The enemy of faith is self-doubt.
If you can’t make it better…you can always laugh at it.
Master your life by giving thanks to the Master of Life.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past.
Less Perfect
Be less perfect and more content. May God bless you with ease of mind, a healthy attitude toward your own worth, and the grace to accept your lot in life.
Infinity Pool
Prayer is infinite, you can’t use it up. May you be blessed to dip into God’s limitless pool of hope, praise, and prayer.
Shop Wisely
Buyer beware. Just what new & improved remedy are you buying in to? There’s no magic potion to fix what ails you. There’s only God’s love and your own common sense. May you be blessed to shop wisely.
Arrival of Future
God with infinite wisdom designed your future to arrive one day at a time. May you be blessed with patience as well as perseverance as you live fully by the grace of the Almighty.
True Colors
If someone shows you their true colors, don’t try to paint over them. May you be blessed to accept that people are who they are and you can’t change them. Love ’em or leave ’em.
My Prayer List
Lord hear my prayer. For my health, relationships, finances, independence, patience, forgiveness, understanding, and love.
The plan is set. The foundation has been laid for me. My purpose is clear. Let favor be with me. May the timing be just right. I claim the strength to build and fulfill my God-given destiny.
Whispered Hello
Thank You for simple pleasures filling my heart with gratitude. The kiss of color in a masterpiece of sky. The refreshing coolness of a breeze meeting the morning light. A whispered hello to You God, as I rise to meet this day.
Gentle Me
Lord I do not intend to offend. Keep the curse words and curt words far from my lips. Help me control my speech and others will see the gentle me I long to be. Amen
Lord, I look to You to drive away the failures that haunt me. May I not dwell in the valley of disappointment. May I not walk in the shadows of shame. Help me learn to celebrate the victories, prideful of my accomplishments, and humbled in gratitude by my Creator.
{features, video, stories}
Story: Kingdom of Heaven
Feature: My Father’s Addiction
Video: Georgian Children’s Choir – Bohemian Rhapsody
Story: Holy Humor: Marriage in Heaven
Feature: Shay Roberson Wing: Adopted at Age 24
Story: A Perfectly Wonderful Way to Pray
Psalm 119:105
God’s word is a lamp to my feet and light on my path.
Jeremiah 31:4
I will be rebuilt. I will be happy again. I will dance with joy!
+ Excerpt from Hannah Brenchner
Just that line. Just the picture is stirred up in my brain. The writer Jeremiah was giving the people hope that there would be a) healing and b) rebuilding. He was declaring that every level of society would be renewed in the coming days, that people would live in towns built on mounds of rubble. It was in that moment, reading that verse when God stopped me and basically showed me, “I am not discounting your ruins. I am not throwing away the parts of your story that left you feeling crumbled and defeated. I’m not hiding those parts or forgetting those parts – I am actually using those. They are essential to the rebuilding process.”
Romans 14:12
I live my life as if I am accountable to God. And I am.
Colossians 3:23
Whatever work I do, I work at it with all I’ve got. I work for the Lord, I work for myself, I work for people I love.
James 1:5
Oh, Brilliant God, I ask You to fill me up with Your wisdom and I will receive it!