Week Ending Friday August 9, 2019
Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty – they merely move it from their faces into their hearts. Martin Buxbaum
When you force time, time pushes back. When you are patient with time, time is on your side.
God is never too slow. You’re just impatient.
Never look down on anyone unless you’re helping them up.
Every now and again you just need to tell them how much they mean to you.
When you love life, life will love you back.
Doing Your Best
Start right now. Begin the habit of doing your best, no matter the occasion, important or not. Everything you do matters – give it all you’ve got. Everyone you meet deserves to meet you at your best. May you be blessed to strive for your best.
Willful Change
You are special, amazing actually. You have the capacity to willingly change the way you act, change your attitude, or change your skillset. You can even change certain aspects of your appearance. But you have to want it. May God bless you with the will to improve. You have what it takes, now is the time for willful change. inspired by Seth Godin
Favor in all Forms
There are no mistakes. Coincidences are more than they seem. Luck is not by chance. Everything has the potential to be your blessing. May your eyes be open and your hands extended to receive God’s favor in all its forms.
Individual Soul
What excuse are you using that’s holding you back? Success comes from the determination of an individual soul, not the circumstances the soul is born into. God has blessed you with a strong, beautiful, and determined soul. Make your Maker proud. Make a success of your life.
And Move On
There are billions of good people in this world and you’re going to let the rude words of one nasty person get you down? You’re better than that. May you blessed to forgive, forget, and move on.
Grandparents Prayer
I hold worry for my grandchildren and want to let it go. Yes, I know they have to walk their own walk. Yes, I know they have to make their own mistakes and grow from them. Yet, in this hour, I need a reminder. Dear God, watch over our precious family every second of every day. For You are a grand Parent to us all, and we are forever grateful. inspired by Flo J.
I Find it.
For every loss there is a win, for every tear there is a smile. And when discouragement comes, I find hope. God is my balance.
God’s love assures me and God’s wisdom guides me. No task is too great or too small. No setback can harm me. Faith in God sustains me, faith in myself empowers me. Praise God.
Your Time
Dear God, this is Your time. I devote myself to prayer and praise, love and good works. You hear my prayer, You feel my love, You know my adoration, and You inspire me in service to worthy causes. Thank You Lord and Savior.
Now and Next
Dear God, Your precious promise shines brightly in the beauty I see in this world. I can not conceive of all the joyful surprises You have prepared for me. I am grateful for my now and excited about my next.
{stories, features, video}
Story: Marian Mayer Tells a Story by Susan Diamond
Feature: Expectations by Hannah Brenchner
Video: You are my Sunshine
Feature: Backward Quiz
Feature: Six-Word Prayers by Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer
Video: Dolphin Kisses
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 23:1-6
God is my shepherd, I lack nothing. God makes me lie down in green pastures, God leads me beside quiet waters refreshing my soul. God guides me along the right paths. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for God is with me. God’s rod and staff comforts me. God prepares my table in the presence of my enemies. My head is anointed with oil, my cup overflows. Surely God’s goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in God’s house forever.
Micah 7:18
Where is there another God like You? You forgive my sin and overlook it when I doubt. I am faithful and I know You will not be angry because You, my God, would rather show mercy.
Proverbs 14:31
Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors God.
Colossians 4:6
Let my conversations be gracious and sensible so that I will have right answers for everyone.
Psalm 62:1
My soul finds rest in God.