Week Ending Friday July 10, 2020
I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I can not accept.
Angela Davis
The expert at anything was once a beginner.
Helen Hayes
You can not be destroyed by your imperfections when you know you are saved by perfect grace.
Morgan Harper Nichols
Respect science, respect nature, respect each other.
Hal Harvey
I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.
Abraham Lincoln
Humble Self
When talking with others, remember to be your humble self that longs to learn, not your arrogant self that wants to preach. May God bless you with good communication habits deeply rooted in humility.
Receive It.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Close your eyes, and receive God’s blessing. Rejoice in the revelation of what lies ahead.
Inside Your Head
You spend most of your life inside your own head, make it a nice place to be. May God bless you with peace of mind.
Where You Go
No matter where you go, there you are – safe under God’s protection. May you be blessed to know the Divine Spirit is everywhere.
Wildest Dreams
The more they underestimate you, the greater their shock will be when you make it. May you be blessed to achieve your wildest dreams. God is doing more than just cheering you on – the good Lord is moving you closer to your destiny.
Marriage Prayer
Dear God, we pray You will be present in our marriage, wherever we find ourselves – in good times or bad, help us find the strength to carry on. May our actions reflect Your values and make You proud. May our shared faith be an inspiration to others.
Warm Me
Dear God, Let Your wind brush my hair and touch my skin softly. Let Your sun warm my body, and remove the chill in my heart. Let Your earth be firm, and steady my step. You call out to me in nature, I respond in prayer.
Without Conditions
Dear God, show me how to love without conditions, to forgive freely, and to understand fully. Only then can I make the right decisions to honor You, support me, and respect others. Amen
Mirror to Marriage
Dear God, I pray You will be present in my marriage. Wherever I find myself, in good times or bad, help me see You. May my actions reflect Your values, my character make You proud, and my faith be a mirror for all to see. Amen
Good Promise
A promise is only as good as the one who makes it. I stand before you good and ready to stand by the words I offer in worship – to serve Your ideals, to live up to the values You expect of me, and to always love Your creation. Praise to You, God of grace.
{stories, video, features}
Story: Quiet Town U.S.A.
Feature: Award-Winning Photography
Feature: Holy Humor, Atheist on a Plane
Video Story: Looking for Love in All the Dog Places
Music Video: The Blessing, Kari Jobes, Cody Carnes
Feature: Emanuel how to watch: Emanuel Movie
{bible affirmations}
John 13:7
You may not understand now what I am doing. But someday, you will.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.
Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
To be joyful in hope is to let a happy mindset guide you to your future. To be patient in affliction is to accept the bad, knowing good is on its way. To be faithful in prayer is to praise and thank God from a grateful heart.
Luke 22:46
Rise up and pray.
Psalms 25:5, 73:24, 23:4
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me.