The four candles burned slowly.
Their light was so faint you could hardly hear them speak.
The first candle spoke in a whisper, “I am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to keep me lit.”
Then Peace’s flame slowly diminished and went out completely.
The second candle murmured softly, “I am Faith, but these days, people believe they no longer need me.”
Then Faith’s flame slowly diminished and went out completely.
The third candle spoke with sadness, “I am Love. People put me aside and don’t understand my importance. Sometimes they even forget to love those who are nearest to them. I haven’t the strength to stay lit any longer. ”
And Love’s flame slowly diminished and went out completely.
A child entered the room and saw the three candles with their naked wicks.
The child asked softly,
“Candles, why are you three not burning? You are supposed to stay lit forever and ever”
Then the fourth candle spoke gently to the little boy, “Don’t be afraid. I am Hope, and while I still burn, all the other candles can be relighted.”
With shining eyes, the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other three candles.
Never let the flame of Hope go out.
With Hope in your life, Peace, Faith and Love shine bright always.
Author Unknown
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