I went to the driving range the other day and I was thinking…
I was thinking how you start out with a big bucket of golf balls, and you just start hitting away carelessly. You have dozens of them, each individual ball means nothing so you just hit, hit, hit. One ball gone is practically inconsequential when subtracted from your bottomless bucket. There are no practice swings or technique reevaluation after a bad shot because so many more tries remain.
Yet eventually you have to reach down towards the bottom of the bucket to scavenge for another shot and you realize that tries are running out. Now with just a handful left, each swing becomes more crucial, so between each shot, you take a couple of practice swings and a few deep breaths.
There is a very strong need to end on a good note, even if every preceding shot was horrible, getting it right at the end means a lot. You know as you tee up your last ball, “this is my final shot, I want to crush this with perfection; I must make this count.”
Limited quantities or limited time brings a new precious value and significance to anything you do. Live every day shooting as if it’s your last shot. I know I have to.
by Miles Alpern Levin
Excerpt from Keep Fighting, Stop Struggling: The Miles Levin Story