A happy young couple was anxiously awaiting their wedding day, when they suddenly were killed in a fiery car crash. They held hands as they ascended to heaven and met St. Peter at the pearly gates.
The couple explained to heaven’s gatekeeper that they very much wanted to be married. As they didn’t make their wedding on Earth would it be possible for them to get married in heaven? St. Peter told them he would look into it and get back to them.
Three months passed and no word from St. Peter.
In the meantime, the two had time to think about their eternal future, and had another question for St. Peter the next time they talked.
The day finally arrived young couple with an answer that yes, they could get married. They were overjoyed, but ever cautious, the young man asked St. Peter what would happen if one day they saw the need to get divorced.
St. Peter exploded with rage. “First you ask me to get married. It took me three long months of searching to find a priest who made it to heavenā¦and now you want me to find a lawyer?!!