Don’t wait for your husband to make you happy – He won’t – the opposite.
He won’t.
If you wait for him to make you happy, you’ll die first.
That’s why when a couple gets married, you bless them with eight blessings:
1. Rejoicing
2. Happiness
3. Joy
4. Celebration
5. Love
6. Companionship
7. Peace
8. Friendship
Only if you have the capacity for these eight blessings, you will have a meaningful future.
Joy. Is the capacity of laughing from the depths of your heart, alone in your house.
Happiness. To sing in the shower alone, with your horrible voice, forgetting all the words. Can you do it without anyone?
Dancing. Can you put on music alone at home and dance with yourself?
Can you sharply go from one humor to another, you sit and cry and then you stop and say enough. I’m going shopping.
If you can do it by yourself, laughing, singing, dancing, and changing your humor, you’ll have the capacity of:
Love, between two.
Brotherhood, between two.
Peace, between two.
Friendship, between two.
Stop waiting for the world to make you happy – it won’t.
Yemima Mizrachi