Week Ending Friday February 7, 2020
A nap is always a good idea on a day like today.
Higher! Oh Lord Can you feel it? My shoes are scraping the sky. DJ Khalid
Little by little, day by day, what is meant for you will find its way.
There’s no price to pay, no investment to make. Be a thoughtful person – give freely.
Hope inspires the good to reveal itself.
Gratefulness is the keeper of a happy heart. Barbara Waque
Blessing On Demand
Blessing on demand is not an option. Rather, effortless blessing is all around you. Look for it. May God give you eyes to see, a heart that feels, and hands to touch blessings found in all the obvious places.
The Company You Keep
Love people and use things, it doesn’t work the other way around. The love of objects and material possessions is no substitute for a healthy relationships.May you be blessed by the company you keep.
Go Small
Any fool can make a lot of noise and grand gestures, but it takes someone special to do small well. May you be blessed to go lightly and may your soul softly speak.
Be Done With It
Yesterday is done, so be done with it. You did what you could. You made some mistakes, but you were “you” being “you” and that’s good enough…for now. May God bless you to learn and grow, and to be the best “you” you can be.
Take Root and Grow
When a farmer plants a seed she has faith it will take root and grow. It’s the same with every good deed and kind word you share. How bountiful is the harvest! May God bless your spiritual good with strong roots, hearty growth, and blossoms that bear fruit.
Lift Me Slowly
You surprised me. Just when I got to the point where my plans were made and I had it all figured out, it changed. Again. I can bear anything dear God, knowing that it is ultimately Your will. Ease me down gently from disappointment. Lift me up slowly, yet surely, to the new place where you want me to be. I trust in You to know my destiny. I live in You to fulfill it.
My Parents’ Child
By Divine selection I am my parents’ child. You allowed me to be a recipient of their extraordinary love. You wove the fabric of their character and values into my DNA. You made them the yardstick by which I measure myself. Thank You dear God for linking generation to generation.
Makin’ it Happen
Dear God, How much longer can I go on like this? What can I do about it? Push me. Pop me one. Get me started. Thank You for giving me the oomph to make it happen.
Soaking up the Light
Holiness shines and I am breathless at the sight soaking up the light and feeling the warmth surround me. Praise to the Holy One, giver of light and life.
Beautiful Experience
Dear God, whenever I experience something beautiful I am with You. The knowing that first catches my breath, the way my brain takes pause, the exact moment I am aware of Your presence. Praise to You my awesome God who brings me to beauty.
{stories, video, features}
Story: Sister Feud
Feature: The Art of Being Present + Video: The Artist is Present
Feature: Ready for What Life Brings
Music Video: Grandpa Elliott Soulful God Bless America
Feature: Blog – Turning Forty Rachel Diamond
Feature: Holy Humor!
{bible affirmations}
Proverbs 10:4
Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Psalm 150:6
With my every breath I praise the Lord!
Mark 5:36
Don’t be afraid; just believe
Titus 1:2
I believe in the hope of eternal life. God who never lies, promised it even before the ages began.
Psalm 47:2
Lord Most High is to be revered over all the earth.