It was a dark and stormy night. No, really. It was 5:00 pm in early December and the heavens opened. The good Lord released one heck of a rainstorm that turned into hail before it turned back into rain again. Yet, it was calm in my heart.
I was seated in my usual place at the evening prayer service. I am a front row gal, and unless Herve is in attendance I usually sit alone. That night I was praying solo.
There’s a part in the liturgy where we are directed to include our personal prayers of petition. It’s always an emotional few minutes of mostly silent devotion. It’s common to hear muffled sobs and very deep breathing as the congregants pray for loved ones who are sick, or in need.
It’s also our invitation to ask God for our own heart’s desire. As you can imagine, there’s a good deal of sacred pleading going on.
But that one night in December I was prayerfully speechless. I can’t describe it any other way. My entire life I prayed my holy wish list fervently. For the first time I realized I had no requests, nothing but gratitude and it came pouring out.
What happened to the prayers for my two nieces to find their soulmates? They both found them in this same year and I was delightfully occupied with planning wedding showers. Thank God.
My son and his wife had a healthy new baby boy this past summer after a seven year struggle with infertility. Thank God.
My uncle’s cancer was in remission. Thank God.
My husband’s dilemma over retirement was settled, he decided to work a few more years – business was booming. Thank God.
As for me, I sat and let it soak in. All my prayers were answered. Miraculous! Wondrous! Praise God!
I knew it couldn’t last and of course it didn’t. New problems developed, old ones resurfaced. My Mother died suddenly.
Yet, God’s grace and favor covers me. And no matter what the circumstances, prayer satisfies me.
by Susan Diamond
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