Picture her. She’s one month past her second birthday. Strong little legs carrying her to and from every corner of her world. She’s curious and her forehead crinkles when a thought pops in her curly-haired head. Why? She points. Why? Why? Why, Why Why?
Mom is ever patient. Dad is amazed at his good fortune to have a good and patient wife and to have a precious munchkin. He smiles, observes the scene and plops down on his recliner to watch t.v.
It’s dinner time. The happy toddler is pulled up to the table strapped in her booster seat. Dad is bringing out the meal.
I want some.
She loves food and after cuddling, eating is her next favorite past time. She wants some…”psgetti“. She wants some…”salwed‘. She wants some…”adat”. Mom calmly says No, that’s Mommy’s, your food is on your plate.
Dad is amazed at his wife’s calm and gentle discipline. He smiles and goes on eating. His wife. His daughter. His heart simmering with pride.
Bath time. Bed time. Time for prayers. Thank God for today. Mommy reminds her crabby daughter who is two-fisting her eyelids.
I don wanna. she replies with determination.
What do (emphasis on do) you want to say to God right now?
She thinks. Forehead crinkling. Thumb suddenly thrusted between two tiny lips. With a fully occupied mouth she mumbles,
I love You Gawd. I love Mommy. I love Booty (her cat) I love Daddy (didn’t make the top three on this night) I love Banky (her blanket).
And with that, her head hits the mattress. Eyes close. She searches for Banky and clenches it between two fingers to take a deep breath in to catch its smell.
Content. She falls asleep with the exhale.
Mommy tiptoes out of the room and bumps into her husband, who was watching from the hall. They hug. The sigh in unison. The only thing better than a precious baby is a sleeping baby.
By Susan Diamond