“I’m basking in the afterglow.” He said.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked.
“Nothing.” He replied. “That’s what it means to be basking in the afterglow.”
After 32 years of marriage Jeffrey could still make me chuckle. God blessed me with a good husband.
Time to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I love Sundays. There is no urgency “to get things done”. Six days a week I work and the seventh is my day of rest. What a brilliant plan – pure genius!
Life wasn’t always orderly like this. It wasn’t until the kids were nearly grown that I discovered my purpose: to praise, to labor, and to love.
So simple. It’s a wonder it took me so long.
Of course, in my defense, the intensity of raising four children, running a household, and working full-time gives a woman very little time to fiddle around with esoteric questions.
I suppose I lived my purpose when I was in my twenties and thirties without even realizing it. In the midst of a hectic lifestyle, purpose doesn’t exactly scream out at you and say “Here I am!”
It takes stillness.
So there I sat one day, a middle aged woman, prayer book in hand. Head bowed. Brain noise tamped down and peace in my heart. I hit upon the holy trifecta of purpose.
Praise. Labor. Love.
Gratitude swept over me with an almost physical sensation. Oh, what a loving God we worship! How fortunate that we spend our days in service to God and humankind. Praise God. God is good!
By Susan Diamond
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