A young woman was exhausted that day, defeated and feeling hopeless. In a last small breath of faith, she dropped to her knees in prayer. "Dear God, I can't go on," she said. "My problems overwhelm me. My burden is too heavy. I must give … [Read more...]
Story: Breaking Out
Libby knows hardship and struggle. She is only eight years old with little guidance from her mother or father, who are virtually absent in her young life. You could call her a free-range child. She is free to wonder and wander about in her … [Read more...]
Story: The Homely Fisherman
If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be. Lauren Jauregui Our house was across the street from the entrance of a famous hospital in the city. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to … [Read more...]
Feature: Seven Days of Sabbath
Every 7th day is the Sabbath. It's your special time with God. A person of 21 years of age has had three years of the Sabbath in their life. A person of 35 has had five years. A person of 70 has had ten full years of Sabbath with God. So many … [Read more...]
Story: Tiny Book of Learning to Get Around
CHAPTER 1 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost. I am hopeless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. CHAPTER 2 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I … [Read more...]
Story: Coffee Break
A group of alumni, all highly established in their respective careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned to complaints about the endless stress of work and life in general. Offering his guests … [Read more...]
Story: Show not Tell
When a tech company posted to fill a vacancy in its sales force, one applicant replied: "I am currently working at a large box store selling electronics at the address below, during the hours noted. You may judge my ability as a salesman if you … [Read more...]
Story: Where Does God Live?
The student asked the teacher, "Where does God live?" The other children laughed at the boy. "Dummy," said one youngster. "Everyone knows God lives in heaven." Another girl spoke up. "God is everywhere. Above us, below us, and around us." … [Read more...]
Story: Flowers for You
I ran into a stranger as he passed by, "Oh, excuse me, please," was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way, and we said goodbye. But at home, a … [Read more...]
The Wallet: A Tale About Honesty
Read This Story from its original source! … [Read more...]
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