A sly fox passed a lovely vineyard. A tall, thick fence surrounded the vineyard on all sides. As the fox circled around the fence, he found a small hole, barely large enough to push his head through. The fox could see what luscious grapes grew in the … [Read more...]
Story: Billy Graham, Know Where You’re Going
Right before Billy Graham passed away at the age of 99, leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina, invited their favorite son to a luncheon in his honor. Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he struggled with Parkinson's disease. … [Read more...]
Easter Story: Robin Redbreast
It happened at the time when our Lord created the world, when he made not only heaven and earth, but all the animals and the plants as well, and at the same time gave them their names. Many stories have come to us from that time, and if we knew … [Read more...]
Parable: Wind and Sun
The North Wind and the Sun quarreled about which was stronger. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. "Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that … [Read more...]
Blog: Take Me to the Church
Some people say I'm fearless. I say I'm confident. I'm not afraid of the things that frighten other people. I don't have a tracking device on my children, and I never bought one of those home security systems for my iPhone where I can see the … [Read more...]
Story: Where is God in the Book of Esther?
original art from triciarobinson.com Perhaps you were born for such a time as this. Esther 4:14 Esther lived in ancient Persia about 100 years after the Babylonian captivity. When Esther's parents died, the orphaned child was adopted and raised by … [Read more...]
Parable: From Above
A man goes out on his balcony overlooking the sidewalk of a busy Manhatten street. He gets locked out of his apartment without his cell phone or a coat. But he does have a pocket full of money. He throws $20 bills off the balcony, hoping people … [Read more...]
Blog: Restore Life’s Balance
I hope you're able to rest this weekend. Not just from the job and daily grind, but truly rest and take time to catch up to yourself. One of my favorite books is one I've read every year for almost 20 years. It's called, Streams in the Desert, … [Read more...]
Poem: Train of Life, Hardin
Some folks ride the train of life Looking out the rear, Watching miles of life roll by, And marking every year. They sit in sad remembrance, Of wasted days gone by, And curse their life for what it was, And hang their head and cry. But I … [Read more...]
Parable: What is Most Imortant?
What is the most important verse in the Bible? Great scholars spend endless hours, days, and lifetimes trying to answer this question. One wise man said the most important verse is Leviticus 19:18, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." … [Read more...]
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