A dad brings his 8-year-old son to the animal shelter to adopt a dog. The little boy has been anxiously awaiting the day for years. With great excitement, he goes up to the counter and asks to see the dogs that are available for adoption. An … [Read more...]
Parable: Light the Fire
A revered monk once journeyed to visit a younger monk who was known for his religious devotion. The older monk was very impressed with the young man’s total immersion in prayer and study and asked the young man the secret of his unwavering piety. … [Read more...]
Parable: Little Eagle
There once was an eagle's nest on the top of a mountain. One of the eagle eggs rolled out of the nest, rolled down the mountain and it landed in a nest of birds. When all the eggs in the nest hatched and little chicks were born, the … [Read more...]
Parable: Fox in the Vineyard
A sly fox passed a lovely vineyard. A tall, thick fence surrounded the vineyard on all sides. As the fox circled around the fence, he found a small hole, barely large enough to push his head through. The fox could see what luscious grapes grew in the … [Read more...]
Parable: Wind and Sun
The North Wind and the Sun quarreled about which was stronger. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. "Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that … [Read more...]
Parable: From Above
A man goes out on his balcony overlooking the sidewalk of a busy Manhatten street. He gets locked out of his apartment without his cell phone or a coat. But he does have a pocket full of money. He throws $20 bills off the balcony, hoping people … [Read more...]
Blog: Restore Life’s Balance
I hope you're able to rest this weekend. Not just from the job and daily grind, but truly rest and take time to catch up to yourself. One of my favorite books is one I've read every year for almost 20 years. It's called, Streams in the Desert, … [Read more...]
Parable: What is Most Imortant?
What is the most important verse in the Bible? Great scholars spend endless hours, days, and lifetimes trying to answer this question. One wise man said the most important verse is Leviticus 19:18, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." … [Read more...]
Parable: What’s on the Other Side?
A sick man turned to his doctor as he was leaving the room after paying a visit and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side." Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know." "You don't know?!? You're a religious … [Read more...]
Parable: Where the Answer Lies
The Answer Lies Where the Butterfly Flies A young boy wanted to stump his teacher. "Teacher," he said as he extended his two clenched hands, "I have a butterfly in my hands. Is it alive or dead?" He figured if the teacher guessed it was dead, … [Read more...]