This is a story about my death. Maybe someday someone will write about my life, (though I doubt it) but today I’m writing about my death and what happened after. My name is Rosa Lopez and I was making empanadas when I died. It was a heart attack, … [Read more...]
Story: Laila and the Pope
Laila Simpson felt like she was all alone in the world. She was farther from the truth than she could ever know. Alone? Who is alone in a world teeming with people? Who is alone on this Earth where creatures and critters crawl and fly? Who is … [Read more...]
Story: Race of the Angels
There once was an angel named Speedy who bragged about how fast she could fly. She flitted here and there, doing her heavenly duties in record time. Tired of hearing her boast, an angel called Slow and Steady, challenged her to a race. All the … [Read more...]
Story: Jack Took the Train
They called us elderly, but the joke is on them. We are two young lovers carrying our secret with pride and a touch of attitude. Jack and I met thirty years ago, neither of us were looking. We just finished school and we were starting our careers. … [Read more...]
Story: Two Sisters
Neither one cared much for the other. But the two sisters did love each other - as siblings mostly do. Lenore was the practical one. She was solid, trustworthy, and frugal. Marilyn was a dreamer; unpredictable and unreliable. Yet, it was Marilyn … [Read more...]
Maggie Story: Episode 6
WALK IN THE WOODS A bike can only get you so far. Maggie had an urge - no a craving – no - a whole-hearted desire to go to the woods. She loved the open field at the entrance of her suburban sub division, but that day it wasn’t enough. It felt … [Read more...]
Story: Jackson’s Superpower
By Susan Diamond Jackson has a secret. At fourteen years old, he has a secret so big, so important, that he can't share it with any one else. Not even his parents. Not a friend. Not a teacher. Not his pastor. Only he and God know about this … [Read more...]
Story: A Son Rises Up
A long time ago in a land far away, there lived two brothers. Their father was a wealthy landowner with holdings stretching across the countryside. The boys grew up in a loving household, each treated fairly by their father, and educated by the … [Read more...]
Connie’s Story
Connie is the type of woman you often see and quickly pass over. If you think about Connie at all, you're probably passing judgement about her life, her character or her worth. You see her badly dyed jet black hair, you can't help but notice her … [Read more...]
Story: Dreams of Three Tall Trees
In a dark dense forest at the foot of a mountain range, three tall pine trees dared to dream. The first tall tree had grown wide, strong and sturdy. His impressive size was admired by all the other trees in the forest. This tree spoke confidently … [Read more...]